Another great, quality tool in the box for dogs who like to pull, and those seeking drive training with less impact on the arm, shoulder, or the dog.
Learn to utilize this Black Echo Company Jellyfish Bungee Leash, and it will be your awesome friend. It works especially well if you like to hook the leash onto your backpack, belt, etc. for hiking and running, as the springy (yet solid and non-sloppy) bungee leash will reduce the impact at the end of the leash range, all while minimizing the leash getting tangled up with its perfect length of 3' before stretch - bungeed out to 4' 6" comfortably.
Worried about close quarters and traffic? DO NOT WORRY. These tactical bungee leashes come with a close quarters short handle with no stretchy for those times you need more control. Add this leash to your toolbox right now!